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Artwork & Antiques

Our antiques

Brügge Antik Antiquitäten

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Artwork &

Antiques in

Northern Germany

Every antique object has its own story which we want to understand and maintain. Our passion lies within the restoration of antique and vintage furniture as well as decorations. We aim to bring them into a good condition that lives up to the demands of today's lifestyle.

Here you will find noble antiques and artworks from different eras, such as the Middle Ages, Baroque and Biedermeier. If you are fascinated by Gustavian, Swedish and French styles, our furniture and decorations are the right thing for you.

Bruegge Antik g 16 - Brügge Antik

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Every Piece
one of a kind

Every piece of furniture is renovated with masterful handcraft. Colorful mountings are carefully applied according to art-historical aspects. We build individual tables and other wooden furniture made from natural native woods. Therefore, every object becomes sustainable and unique.

Ulrich Bernhardt in Werktstatt am Hobeln - Brügge Antik

Every Piece
one of a kind

Every piece of furniture is renovated with masterful handcraft. Colorful mountings are carefully applied according to art-historical aspects. We build individual tables and other wooden furniture made from natural native woods. Therefore, every object becomes sustainable and unique.

Our Antiques

Dekorations Linie

Our art objects, images and antiques are chosen carefully.

We are collaborating with a restorer and antiques trader from Montefiascone, Italy. Only through our long-term connections and contact to artists, friends and our broad family was our business able to become what it is today. We derive our daily enrichment and inspiration from this close-knit network and are able to present a variety of charming antiques.

The Blog

Dekorations Linie

Once a month we publish a blog entry, giving you an insight into our work and lives.

GAPS8571 - Brügge Antik

Goldener Herbst

Die letzten heißen Tage sind vorüber, Wind streicht über das Land und in den Städten spannen wir eiligen Schrittes die Regenschirme auf. Die Blätter färben sich gelb und der Herbst kommt schnell daher, immer häufiger wechseln die Jahreszeiten rasant und wir laufen hinterher.
Die Natur macht, was sie will und wir beobachten sie staunend, immer wieder überrascht ob ihrer Wechsel und ihrem Zauber, ihrer unbändigen wilden Kraft.
Wir suchen Bilder, die den Herbst einfangen, wir binden Blumensträuße in warmen Farben, die Landschaft weich in erste Nebel gehüllt, das Licht zarter am Abend. Hüten und achten wir sie, die Natur, so gut es eben geht und geben ihr das, was ihr gebührt, Behutsamkeit und Achtung.
So verstehen wir unseren Umgang mit Altem und Neuem immer auf der Suche nach schönen Dingen, die wir restaurieren und in einen neuen Zusammenhang stellen mit Kunst und Objekten, die wieder eine Verwendung finden und liebevoll betrachtet werden.

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Visit us

and discover treasures

Open daily from 10:00 am - 06:00 pm. On weekends and holidays for exhibition visits only.

We are closed on Christmas and New Year's Day. During our travels, a friendly stand-in will be available for you.

Where to find us

Garten von Brügge Antik mit Allee aus Bäumen

Visit us

and discover treasures

Open daily from 10:00 am - 06:00 pm. On weekends and holidays for exhibition visits only.

We are closed on Christmas and New Year's Day. During our travels, a friendly stand-in will be available for you.

Where to find us

Bruegge Antik g 17 - Brügge Antik

Ulrich Bernhardt

Deko Linie
  • training as a carpenter
  • cabinetmaker and restorator

Andrea Steines-Engel

Deko Linie
  • studies of the history of art and ethnology
  • management of the family business

Opening times

Deko Linie

Monday - Sunday:

9:00 - 17:00 Uhr


Deko Linie

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